What is Backlink

June 25, 2020  



What is Backlink

Traditional marketing is an old concept however still not out from the game there are many new concepts came in the big world of marketing. Digital Marketing is one of the new concepts and there are many activities we can do in digital marketing.

Backlink is one of the activities we do in digital marketing and it is one of the most important factor or part of digital marketing. It is very important to know

  • ·         What is backlink?
  • ·         Why backlink is important?

Google and other search engines consider the backlink as the positive votes for the specific page and also consider that the page has some vital information related to specific topic.

What is Backlink?

Backlinks are those links which we are getting from the other website to any specific page. Backlinks are considered important for the ranking factors for the ranking on the various search engines. We can say that backlinks to any website is a positive sign and it indicates that the specific website has some valuable information which is useful to many readers.

Earlier if any pages is getting the numbers of backlinks then that pages gets the  higher ranking on the search engines as compared to other similar pages and in the present that rule is still valid means backlins were important and still plays an important role in  the ranking.

Some websites gives the backlinks but websites don’t and most of the tie the website which has authority and good reputation they prefer not to give the backlinks however, banklinks from any websites are acceptable only there spam score is as per the search engine and rest is assured.

Backlinks is one of the most important activities in SEO which gives the positive sign to the search engines regarding the websites. Backlinks are also called the inbound links.

Backlink is an indicator that we are getting the target audience and it also helps in improve the authority which indicates that we are doing well in terms of an SEO.

Types of Backlink

Google update their algorithm every year many a times and since the beginning of the Google search engine thousand tie they changes or update their algorithm however, earlier backlinks were important factor for ranking and now when algorithm are very advanced and sophisticated still the backlinks are important factor for the ranking. Let’s take a look at the types of the backlink

  • ·         Dofollow Backlinks

Dofollow backlink is considered very important as these backlinks you get due to the unique and appreciated content on the website. These links are always a positive sign in regards to search engine. Dofollow backlinks means any website is giving the backlink to the specific page on our website and passing their SEO value to those specific pages. Earlier companies used to buy the links however advanced algorithm are identifying those links as those backlinks were not earned but those backlink are paid, paid backlinks has less value as compared to the earned backlinks.

  • ·         Nofollow Backlinks

When we do any backlink activity we get various links one of them is nofollow backlinks, that means if we give any link to the article or page of any website however, in return we didn’t get the backlinks from those websites, it means no shared SEO value and nofiollow links dosent help in getting the good ranking as well on SERP. High authority website always has nofollow backlink, they don’t want to share the SEO value nor want to get the spam in return no matter how good and unique your content you always get the nofollow backlinks from the high authority websites.

Advantages of Backlinks

Before we learn more about the advantages of backlinks one very important change is earlier if we have low quality backlinks then also we get the higher ranking then Google launched Penguin algorithm and after that everything was changed regarding the backlinks. Now we must get the high quality backlines and those backlinks has to be relevant as well. If we have website related to clothing and we get the backlinks from the food and travelling website then those backlinks don’t have much value for us. Now let’s look at the advantages of backlinks

  • ·         Referral Traffic

One of the best benefits of the backlinks is referral traffic. A person who is reading ant blog related to specific industry and in between if readers will click on that link to read and get to know more about that specific topic. Such traffic we can say that we are targeting and referral traffic has very low bounce rate, which is also a positive indicator for the search engines. Readers click on that link but their choice so chances are very less it leave the page without reading the article on which they reached following the link.

  • ·         Faster Indexing

If the website is new and don’t have any backlinks for the its little difficult to get search by search engines that leads to slower indexing however if new website has a backlink then its easy for the various search engines to find them between the billions of the website and get the faster indexing. Backlinks are very useful for the new websites as they help them getting good rank on the SERP and backlinks made search engine to find them easily.

  • ·         Higher Organic Ranking

This is the best benefit of backlinks and this is the ultimate aim of the entire digital marketer to get the higher ranking and backlinks helps them to achieve their goals. If any content has numbers of backlinks from the other websites it means that the content is unique and liked by the readers and that leads to the higher ranking.

To get the advantages from the backlins we have to earn them and earning backlinks needs lots of effort and time. If you start publishing the quality and unique contents you will start getting the backlinks from the various websites will helps in various ways.

How to Earn Backlink?

In the above section we learned what is backlink, type of backlinks and advantages, now its very important to know how to earn the backlinks to get the maximum benefit out of it

  • ·         Publish Unique Article

If any company publish the unique and informative article then we are giving the reason to the readers to link to our website. If article is informative and awesome then readers will enjoy the article and readers will be happy to link with your article. There are many things which we can say that the article is awesome such as

  •      Article has to solve the problems
  •      Article has to be easy to read.
  •      Article has to be stand out from the billions of he articles

Once you publish the article send an email to the targeted audience so that you get the links.

  • ·         Guest Blogging

There are many ways to get the backlinks and that too quality backlinks and one og the way is guest blogging. In guest blogging we write the blog on others website instead of our website, it’s a concept where we exchange the article for free and due to guest blogging we get the 1-2 backlinks and that too dofollow backlinks. This is a very popular concept now days to get the backlinks and this is a kind of assurance of getting the backlinks.

  • ·         Competitors Backlink Analysis

We are in such a business world where every company is facing tough competition and in the tough competition we must do competitors analysis and once we do it we will come to know from where the competitions are getting the the backlinks and if we try to get the backlinks from where our competitors are getting there are high chances we get the backlinks same as our competitors.

  • ·         Directory Submission

Many marketers think that directory submission is not worth now a days but they are wrong still directory submission is one of the way to get the backlinks and as much as directory submission you do they are high chances you get the sound numbers of backlinks.


Digital Marketing results are depends of many factors and backlinks are one of the oldest factor to get the good result and expected ranking for the website on the SERP.  No matter what ever technique you opt to get the backlinks if you plan well then nothing will stop you to get the backlinks.

The only factor we have to take care of is we have to get the as uch as quality links and not the low quality links, quality links are always the best to get for the website of any specific page.

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