What is Facebook Marketing

June 29, 2020  



What is Facebook Marketing

In the era of technology more and more people are depend on technology for shopping and checking the new things for shopping and the reaction of this is more and more company are using technology for the marketing and showing up their products so that companies get the customers and they can generate the revenue from this. Facebook marketing is a concept which is helpful for both, company and the customers and if used properly then facebook marketing has many advantages and it doesn’t take much time to start with facebook marketing. Let’s take a look what is facebook marketing and what is essential for to start with and get the maximum benefit from it.

What is Facebook Marketing?

Facebook Marketing is a platform that offers various marketing activities such as paid ads and organic marketing and allowing companies to sell and display their products and servicing. Facebook now a day is one of the biggest platforms for marketing and getting connected to the massive audience.

2.5 billion people are using facebook every month and that’s is the best advantages to start the marketing on the facebook not only the massive audience facebook marketing offers various kind marketing activity which we can perform as per our need and one of the most important factor of doing marketing on facebook is facebook marketing is customize and you can setup things as per your need and the kind of product you are offering.

No matter if the company is small, medium or big facebook marketing has some or the other thing for everyone, weather you are launching your products and services and doing any upgrades in the products and then if you want to get connected with the massive audience then facebook is always there for you.

How to start Facebook Marketing?

Facebook marketing is one of the easy thing to do in the marketing, facebook is the largest social media in the world and they made the marketing services so easy that anyone can start doing marketing and start taking benefit out of it, so let’s a few important steps to start with facebook marketing.

  • ·         Create Facebook Page

This is a very first step to start with facebook marketing, facebook page of the company is a face of online marketing and most of the online marketing starts with facebook or we can say that facebook pages are online business profile of the company. While setting up the facebook page you need to mention the company name or the product name through which people will search you. You need of mention other details as well such as

  • ·         Business category
  • ·         Address of the company
  • ·         Companies website
  • ·         Contact number

Creating the page is just 1 step ahead to start the facebook marketing.

  • ·         Add Photos

Adding the profile photo is very important as profile photo is what people see when they land on any facebook page. You can add the logo of your company and a profile pic of the page and I think that’s the best photo to add as a profile photo.

We must add the cover photo as well and the cover photo is somewhat is our identity and if we are rolling any kind of discounts and offers then we can create the image to fit in the cover photo and we can adjust the photos make them fit as a cover photo.

  • ·         Adding Description

Description tells you the audience about the business lines and your vision and the missions. Description is a 4-5 lines which gives the insight about the company and what kind of products and services company is offering.

  • ·         Add the CTA

Adding the CTA button the page is nothing but simplifying many things for the customers and CTA might be anything like call, message, book, demo all such request will comes under CTA. If audience wants to have a call with you they just have to click on the CTA button and the call gets connected to you.

After doing all such important activity you are all set to publish the pages and now you are allowed to start the facebook marketing for your products and services.

Types of Facebook Marketing

With the help of facebook marketing we will be able to achieve various marketing goals and marketing objective as well, let’s take a looks at some of the famous marketing activity we can do on facebook.

  • ·         Brand Awareness

This is a kind of activity which we start before launching our products and services and the main motto is to let the people know what we do and what we are into and what kind of products and services we are offering.

  • ·         Reach

This is an activity to reach to the maximum people may be by running t he paid ads or maybe by doing organic marketing. Reaching the maximum people is the one of the important of facebook marketing.

  • ·         Traffic

We all do online marketing to attracts the customers and potential customers towards te website and one of the option to pull the audience is offered by facebook in this kind of marketing we request people to visit our website and check out what business we are into and let them know more about our products and services.

  • ·         Engagement

When we publish any post in the form of image and blogs and one liner we expect the people to read, like it and share it accordingly. The more the people get engaged with the post the more it becomes popular.

  • ·         App Installation

Many companies who into online sales and education and healthcare service they have their own apps as apps are domination the world of online marketing or online education. The main motto of this service is to let more and more people to install our app to use the services and products.

  • ·         Lead Generation

No matter how many traffic we have on our website and no matter how many people are getting engaged with our post if we don’t have leads then all the facebook marketing is lacking somewhere. Lead generation is the sole and main purpose of the marketing.

There are many other facebook marketing activities however above mentioned are the main and most used services to achieve the various goals and objective.

Advantages of Facebook Marketing

Advantages of facebook marketing is difficult in explaining in words as it has so many advantages that we can imagine only few and let’s take look at some of t he few advantages of facebook marketing

  • ·         Massive Exposure

No doubt facebook is the biggest fish in the social media and no one beat them when it comes to the users around the world and actives users. Facebbok has 2.5 billion users and daily 1.5 billion users come on facebook daily, now those numbers are enough to mention the importance of the facebook marketing. Imagine if you do facebook marketing in just one click how many people to can reach and let them know who you are what you do.

  • ·         Low Marketing Expenses

No matter how big you are or a small company everyone has the same agenda to save money from any front and that’s how the business is run. When we get the option where we have to spend less and get the maximum result then we must use that option for the betterment of the business. Facebook marketing is little low in cost and has the maximum reach in the world and that makes the facebook marketing a domination marketing platform.

  • ·         Customize the Campaign

If we can run the campaign as per our need like we can spend the money as per our need and target the audience from the country we want and we can select the age and interest and many other things we can select as per our need and run the campaign so that makes the best marketing platform in the world and that what facebook is providing for the marketing.

  • ·         Develop Brand Loyalty

Place where we can easily respond to the customers query and interact with them with an ease is one of t he best part of facebook marketing. Facebook helps in engaging the customers in an effective way and that leads to the better experience to the customers as you can attend them and give them the more information about your products and services.


Facebook marketing is getting popular day by day and more and more companies are opting facebook marketing to reach the masses and that much potential facebook has. Facebook is helping the business to grow and once they grow they can retain and acquire the customers to keep the success of the business.

Ignoring the facebbok marketing can fe fatal as there are many advantages of facebook marketing which will help in getting the desired numbers of the customers for the better business. Make the most out of the facebook marketing and get the maximum advantages of the facebook services for the marketing.

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