What is Google Analytics

May 9, 2020  



What is Google Analytics

Google has many tools which will help you in measuring your effort, no matter if effort is small or big we can track our efforts easily.

One of the tools which were provided by Google is Google Analytics, analytics itself tell the story of this tool in brief. Every business need marketing strategy and to prepare the strategy you need a data and from where you will get the data for the website, from Google Analytics you will get the data as per you need. Let’s take a look what google analytics is all about?

What is Google Analytics

When you do any effort in digital marketing to get the traffic on your website however how will you know that your efforts are working or not, Google Analytics is the tool to measure your effort related to traffic.

Google Analytics launched 14 years back on November 14, 2005 and since then google analytics is the all time favorite tool to get the reports related to the website traffic. Google Analytics helps in preparing the precise marketing strategy

Before using google analytics you need to add the code in your website and rest is assured and you can start collecting the data. Now a day’s almost every business has an online presence that means google analytics will have many works to do. The best part of google analytics is it is absolutely free.

No matter you are the owner of eCommerce website or blog website it’s very important to know what is the visitors behaviors in your website, google analytics gives you the insight about your website and it will also helps you to shape the future strategy.

Google Analytics has major aspects

  • ·         Data Collection

With the help of the code Google Analytics collects the data; data as in how visitors are behaving o your website, which age are they visiting and how much time they are spending there. All this information is very crucial to make the planning and also helps in understanding what kind of changes we need to do in our website to push the visitors to stay on our website for the longer time.

  • ·         Data Processing

When the activity of a client has been collected, Google Analytics starts the data processing so that it can convert the raw data into useful data. To process them, every one of the information was analyzed separately.

  • ·         Setting

Once the data is processed and the setting is applied the data will be stored in the data base and you can the data of the performance of your website in terms of traffic. Setting also helps in how we want to see the data of the performance.

  • ·         Report Generation

Report generation is one the best aspects of the google analytics, report will be able to help us in understanding our effort and google analytics generate the reports where we can do comparison effectively.

Advantages of Google Analytics

Google Analytics has many advantages and the best part is its completely free, so let’s look at some of the other advantages of google analytics

  • ·         Traffic Source

Google Analytics tell us accurately from where the visitors are coming to our website and from where they are coming like if visitors are coming from social media and through paid advertising or if it’s a organic traffic or coming directly coming from search engines. This kind of data will helps us in understanding which source is working better for us to generate the traffic for the website.

  • ·         Visitors Information

Google Analytics provides the details from which country or town visitors are coming to the website, this helps us in understanding which campaign is working for which country and if we have to emphasize the localized marketing, with the help of this data we will be able to modify the campaign and content for the specific location to get more desired traffic.

  • ·         Bounce Rate

When visitor see only one page and left the website without clicking anywhere on the website it is considered as the bounce rate and this is very helpful in planning the content. If the bounce rate is high then it’s an indicator that whatever information we are providing is not information up to the mark or might be our keywords are misleading, this leads to think about the quality of the traffic. Bounce rate depends on the relevant and the quality of the content, if bounce rate is too high you must work on the quality of the content and have to make it more relevant for the readers.

  • ·         Analyze Historical Data

Google Analytics gives us the historical data as well thought which we can see the pattern of the traffic came to your website and from which source they came and from where they visited to our website. By this information we can again plan the same strategy to get the maximum response from the users and can again run campaigns which will help is getting the desired traffic, such data can be analyzed daily, weekly and monthly and yearly as well.

  • ·         Flow of Traffic

Google Analytics gives the data on from where the traffic is making the entry on our website means which page is acting as a landing page for the visitors and this will help us in making that landing page more relevant, this will also tell us which device they used to enter the website like computer, mobile or tablet, we get the information about the entry page and the exit page as well.

  • ·         Free of Cost

We heard many a times there are no free lunches however, this saying is not going to work here as google analytics is completely free and a tool which gives so any information and we can use that information to make the strategy related to visitors and their behaviors than such tool is nothing but a boon for us and we have use it such a way so that we can make the maximum and effective use of it to make things better for us.


Tools which help in getting so much important information related to the website and above all free of cost is the bliss for us. Google Analytics helps us in analyzing the online campaigns and makes them more effective to get the more relevant traffic.

What we can’t measure no matter how many campaigns we run and how much content we write if we don’t know their performance than it’s of no use, google analytics helps us in analyzing our effort and if we are lacking somewhere we can try to make that campaign and content more relevant and more precise.

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